
Terrarium Plants are The Art of Growing in Closed Containers

terrarium plants

Terrarium Plants – Decorating homes with ornamental plants is still a favorite activity for many people.  In addition to beautifying the room and yard, ornamental plants placed in the house can also help improve air circulation.

In this case, plants can purify the dirty air in the room and replace it with healthier oxygen. These plants are aloe vera, mother-in-law’s tongue, spiders, palm trees, and other plants. There are also different types of small plants to complement the interior.

You can find many species of small plants in the terrarium. This is a collection of small plants that you can grow in clear glass containers. You can do this terrarium yourself.

This is a trend among ornamental plant lovers. Some people are interested in making and arranging a terrarium.

In addition to making a terrarium, you need to water and care for plants to grow well. From reports from various sources, we have summarized several types of terrariums that you can grow yourself.

Getting to know the Terrarium

Terrarium is the art of growing several small plants in a closed container made of glass or clear plastic. This planting technique is very popular. A London scientist named Nathaniel Bagshaw first introduced the terrarium in 1827.

Based on the adoption of materials and decorations, there are two types of terrariums, namely outdoor terrariums and indoor terrariums. An outdoor terrarium is the art of growing plants in a container without a cover. Closed air terrarium is a technique of growing plants in containers that are tightly closed on all sides.

Outdoor terrariums are easier to design and maintain than indoor terrariums and have a lower chance of fungal and bacterial infections. Growing in a closed terrarium is a good idea to choose the right plants to minimize the probability of fungal and bacterial contamination.

Types of Terrarium Plants

Once you have a general understanding of terrariums, there are many types of plants suitable for terrariums. As mentioned earlier, the terrarium is a technique for growing small groups of plants, so not all types of plants can use this method.

Types of plants that are suitable for terrariums include:

  • They are usually dry and not dry.
  • These are suitable for closed-air terrariums because they require high humidity.
  • Hedera helices are compatible with closed-air terrariums because they need moist air for good growth.
  • The snake plant. Suitable for outdoor and enclosed terrariums, as it adapts without effort.
  • Suitable for closed air terrariums, as they require moist air for good growth.
  • Like cacti, Succulents are suitable for growing in open containers.
  • Suitable for open or closed terrariums, as they exhibit adaptability in all conditions.

4 thoughts on “Terrarium Plants are The Art of Growing in Closed Containers

  1. Alif prisetiadi says:

    Nice info

    1. raja says:

      thanks… please wait for next article from us.

  2. Raja says:

    nice article

    1. raja says:


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